muista- remember
hän muistaa he/she remembers
tanssi dance
hän tanssii he/she is dancing
sano say
hän sanoo he/she will say
However, sometimes the verb stem ends in two vowels already. Sometimes it's the same vowel two times, like in the following verbs:
saa get
myy sell
jää stay
Sometimes it's two different vowels:
syö eat
juo drink
ui swim
With all these verbs, the last vowel is never doubled.
Otherwise the verb is inflected like a regular verb with one vowel, but when it comes to the he/she form, the last vowel is not doubled.
in the he/she form nothing is added to the verb.
In the to- form the ending is not -a or -ä, instead it's -da or -dä.
For example:
Saada to get
saa get
saan I get
saat you get
hän saa he/she gets -the vowel is already double, nothing is added to it
saamme we get
saatte you get
he saavat they get
jäädä to stay
jää stay
jään I stay
jäät you stay
hän jää he/she stays -the vowel is already double, nothing is added to it
jäämme we stay
jäätte you stay
he jäävät they stay
myydä to sell
myy sell
myyn I sell
myyt you sell
hän myy she/he sells -the vowel is already double, nothing is added to it
myymme we sell
myytte you sell
he myyvät they sell
uida to swim
ui swim
uin I swim
uit you swim
hän ui he/she swims -the vowel is already double, nothing is added to it
uimme we swim
uitte you swim
he uivat they swim
syödä to eat
syö eat
syön I eat
syöt you eat
hän syö he/she eats -the vowel is already double, nothing is added to it
syömme we eat
syötte you eat
he syövät they eat
juoda to drink
juo drink
juon I drink
juot you drink
hän juo he/she drinks -the vowel is already double, nothing is added to it
juomme we drink
juotte you drink
he juovat they drink
Minä en juo enää- juotko sinä? I don't drink anymore - do you drink?
Kissa syö kaksi lintua. The cat eats two birds.
Lintu syö kolme matoa. The bird eats three worms.
Uiko hän huomenna? Will she swim tomorrow?
Missä hän ui? Where does he swim?
Isä myy, poika ostaa. The father sells, the boy buys.
Sinä ostat, mutta kuka myy? You buy, but who sells?
Äiti saa, kun tyttö antaa. The mother gets when the girl gives.
Koira ei jää. The dog won't stay.
Jäämmekö me enää? Are we staying anymore?
The next lesson:
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