So far we have learned the verbs "to be" and "to have" in Finnish, as well as the inflection of the word NOT.
the long version the short version, with the pronoun dropped
I am minä olen olen
you (1) are sinä olet olet
He is hän on The pronoun can't be dropped
She is hän on The pronoun can't be dropped
We are me olemme olemme
You (2+) are te olette olette
They (people) are he ovat The pronoun can't be dropped
How would you add the word not here?
The inflection of the verb NOT is the same as always. When it comes to the verb "to be" (olla), it changes to the form ole.
the long version the short version, with the pronoun dropped
I am not minä en ole en ole
you (1) are not sinä et ole et ole
He is not hän ei ole The pronoun can't be dropped
She is not hän ei ole The pronoun can't be dropped
We are not me emme ole emme ole
You (2+) are not te ette ole ette ole
They (people) are not he eivät ole The pronoun can't be dropped
For example:
Minä en ole tyttö. I am not a girl.
Sinä et ole äiti. You are not a mother.
Hän ei ole enää täällä. He/she is no longer here.
Me emme ole kuin te. We are not like you.
He eivät ole vain äiti ja isä. They are not only a mother and a father.
The verb "to have", is expressed with the ending -lla and the word on.
For example:
Minulla on kolme kissaa I have a cat.
Sinulla on kello. You have a clock.
Hänellä on kymmenen siskoa. He/she has ten sisters.
Meillä on isä. We have a father.
Teillä on äiti. You have a mother.
Heillä on talo. They have a house.
Here adding the word NOT is very easy: instead of on, you will simply say ei ole.
Minulla ei ole I don't have
Sinulla ei ole You don't have
Hänellä ei ole He/she doesn't
Meillä ei ole We don't have
Teillä ei ole You don't have
Heillä ei ole They don't have
For example:
Sinulla on kissa, minulla ei ole. You have a cat, I don't have.
Hänellä on tuoli, meillä ei ole. He/she has a chair, we don't have.
Teillä on viisitoista tuolia, meillä ei ole. You have fifteen chairs, we don't have.
Heillä on isä ja äiti, meillä ei enää ole. They have a father and a mother, we no longer have.
More examples:
The book: En ole rasisti, mutta I am not a racist, but...
The music album of J. Karjalainen:

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